3DWorld (173/293)

From:Thomas Frieden
Date:23 Apr 2000 at 21:00:23
Subject:Re: minigl and aga?


On Sun, 23 Apr 2000, Steven Dobbs wrote:
> reading amiga.org it tells of the requirements for the demo, and it says it
> will run in AGA. is this true - I've largely been ignoring jealously
> developments as my bvision card still hasnt come (ordered last july). Does
> this mean that I can code using the minigl API and so sort of treat the AGA
> output as a kind of preview. My code is running using stormmesa's aga
> output, is minigl faster for aga than stormmesa?

No, MiniGL doesn't support AGA. It's a direct layer to Warp3D. The Heretic
2 demo runs on AGA because that's the software renderer, and that one is a
seperate entity, and doesn't use MiniGL...

MiniGL is completely relying on Warp3D, it uses Warp3D structures for it's
internal data. That's why it's so fast, and that's why it's hard to port
to anything else...


Thomas Frieden